Control vs. Liquidity in M&A transactions

When dealing with the sale of their own business, entrepreneurs come to face two of the most controversial topics in estimating the value of a business and understand that between the two, there is a one-way relationship—control affects marketability, but marketability does not affect control. The minority stakeholder may benefit from as much [...]

By |2019-11-19T07:58:31+00:00October 11th, 2019|Smart Facts|0 Comments

Factors to be weighted in M&A’s transactions

Strategic corporate buyers are paying a few percent points more for their aquisitions (publicly traded companies) compared to going-private transactions, while financial buyers (portfolio administrators) are likely to pay less. Nevertheless, the transaction price remains subject to the ability of the M&A consultant searching for adequate potential buyers.

By |2019-10-04T11:11:12+00:00September 13th, 2019|Smart Facts|0 Comments
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