Prima Casa, a contested program.
The “Prima Casa” program is increasingly challenged, and this still happens 10 years after its launch. The initiative of the Romanian state to support young families in buying a home started as a good one, at a time that could not be more appropriate, in full economic and real estate crisis. The consequences were proportional, and by the end of 2018, for example, nearly 270 thousand guarantees and promises to guarantee the credit needed for the purchase of a home were granted, the total value of which is about 24 billion lei. But, once the crisis of demands on the real estate market has been overcome, and along with the considerable increase in population incomes, and along with the increasingly attractive financing programs coming from banks, in recent years Prima Casa has experienced a steady decline. For example, last year, out of the total of the purchased properties, only a little over 20% of the financing sources represented loans made by means of Prima Casa program.
More and more voices now say that the involvement of the state in the real estate market is no longer appropriate, and ask for the Prima Casa program to stop, precisely because we are currently witnessing a market distortion by the stimulation of demand, which ultimately contributes to the exaggerated growth of prices. Moreover, it is considered that the further intervention of the state, as an external factor in the real estate market, could enable the emergence of a new real estate bubble, which once exploded could have consequences from the most negative ones.
Adrian Crivii, fondator Darian DRS
Foto: Dan Bodea
Foto: Dan Bodea
Interviu realizat de: Sandu Mureșan
Articol preluat din Transilvania Reporter.

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